14 Best Ways to Relieve Back Pain

Precisely fixing the cause of back pain is a task in itself. Various factors can cause back pain like the wrong posture, wrong exercise regimen etc. But whatever might be the reason, there are certain habits and lifestyles that one can develop to relieve back pain.

The problem of back pain is spreading widely amongst people of all ages. It is difficult for the doctor to decide the exact reason for the pain, which makes the condition even worse. The pain can range from mild to sharp, and it creates a disturbance in routine tasks. That is why everyone wants to get rid of them as soon as possible. Here are 14 ways through which people can ease their back pain.

Ways to Relieve Back Pain


1. Sufficient Rest

Lack of proper rest can be a cause of short-term back pain. If someone has suddenly started feeling pain at the back, they should observe, if they are spending more time on bed. Limiting that time will undoubtedly help them relieve the pain. It is the most convenient way of back pain management.

2. Sleep Correctly

A wrong sleeping posture can cause a lot of problems. People who sleep on their backs put a lot of pressure on their spine, which aggravates the pain. To release this pressure, they can keep a cushion under their knees.


3. Sitting Posture

Most people spend long hours sitting on a chair at work, which makes it necessary for them to maintain the correct posture while sitting at office or home.


4. Exercise

There are some particular exercises dedicated to strengthening back. One can practice them regularly to relieve their back pain.

Exercise for Back Pain


5. Ice and Heat

If the back pain is due to some injury, then the person can try putting some ice on the inflamed area. Once the inflammation reduces, they can switch to heat to reduce the pain.


6. Medication

If the pain becomes unbearable, then the person can try some pain relief medicines. However, these are not long-term solutions, though they help reduce the pain for the time being, but not curing the pain-causing problem.


7. Massage

A hot oil back massage is an excellent option for back pain treatment. While relieving the pain, it helps the person in relaxing.

 Back pain massage


8. Do Not Lift

Lifting heavy weights can be a cause of back pain. A person can reduce that load for some time to notice the effects.


9. Supplements

Lack of nutrients in the diet can weaken the back. People can try supplements of vitamin D and calcium.


10. Injections

Some medicines are directly injected into the spine. A person can try them for instant relief, but only with doctor’s recommendation.


11. Surgery

In case of some disc problems, doctors suggest spine surgery to the patient. These surgeries not only relieve the pain but also help reducing chances of long-term injury.


12. Do Not Smoke

People who smoke have higher chances of developing back pain than those who do not. Avoiding smoking can help relieve the pain.


13. Nerve Stimulation

Techniques like acupuncture and transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation help in stimulating the spinal nerves and thereby providing relief from pain.


14. Try New Shoes

People who love going on long walks, right shoes matters the most. A pair of wrong shoes can cause severe back pain, so they can try new shoes to get relief from pain.


With these 14 options, people can see a significant decrease in their back pain, and they can return to their healthy lives.


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