Is it safe to consider Knee Replacement in these pandemic times?

Yes, absolutely Yes.

We at Shalby Hospitals follow all the international guidelines inside the hospital as well as outside operation theatres. In fact, Shalby Hospitals chain is the first to launch Spacesuit systems in India which protect patients from infection from the operating surgical team as well, which is considered as the utmost precaution level. We follow this protocol in letter and spirit for the last 20 years (way, before India was learning about a hospital, acquired infections).

We at Shalby Hospitals, maintain Laminar Airflow Operation Theatres, which has a specialized HEPA filter system to filter all the microorganisms from the environment as well, to maintain fresh and safe air in the operation theatre, all the time. This makes the OTs completely safe from any kind of infection. (Here also Shalby is the first hospital in India to introduce such a concept).

Surgical time is also reduced to a few minutes with the “Zero Technique” (Surgical Process Innovation of Dr. Vikram Shah, CMD, and Shalby Hospitals). Shalby’s Zero Technique offers a host of benefits to patients such as; less blood flow, reduced stay at the hospital, near to nil chances of infection, etc., apart from speedy recovery with painless joints. Shalby Today is credited with over 1, 00,000 Knee Replacement Surgeries a record of its kind, not only in India but elsewhere in the world as well.

Knee Replacement Operation

Before considering surgery, it has always been our protocol to check for all the diseases in the body, as our aim is not only to treat you but to give a new healthy life.

Media may be educating or maybe creating fear in you enough about Coronavirus. But it’s my duty to assure you that you can consider Knee Replacement and get a new healthy, Pain-Free Knee and there is no need to suffer from your knee pain and wait for this pandemic to end!

Take necessary precautions; like no spitting, wearing masks, regular hand washing, not touching your nose and face, physical (not social) distancing and we will win this war together.

“We at Shalby Hospitals are ready for the “New Normal”. It’s completely safe to visit our hospitals and even consider Joint Replacement in these challenging times”.

Source: Shalby Times

Dr. Kush Vyas, Consultant Arthroplasty, Shalby Hospitals, Surat

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