Advantages Of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Spinal problems can be very debilitating and extremely painful for most people. Several treatment procedures are available for spinal problems starting from physiotherapy to medicines, yet sometimes surgery may be the only option to treat the problem. The pain can originate from a variety of conditions. These may include damage to bones or specific pressure generated somewhere in the spine that irritates the nerve. Conditions like herniated or degenerated discs, misshapen vertebrae, or spinal stenosis anything may cause this condition. Seeing a Spine Specialist in India is advisable if you are experiencing such a problem.

If treatment options have been considered and none of them worked in providing proper relief to you, then surgery may be the only option left. Traditionally, open surgery has been practiced for a long time, and now Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery has become a hugely popular option. Traditional open surgery carries the risk of various complications, on the other hand minimally invasive surgery, greatly reduces the risk of infection. To limit the number of incisions, small incisions are made and then tissues are pulled out with a dissector. A far more precise and less invasive surgery is achievable with the help of computer-guided images and robotics.

Among the Best Spine Surgery Hospitals in India, Shalby Hospital is one of the top runners, with a long track record of success stories

Minimally invasive spine surgery is undoubtedly the Best Treatment for Spine Problems if you are experiencing serious back problems and other treatment options are of not much relief. Physical therapy along with medications, are supposed to be applied first. And then progress needs to be monitored systematically. If the condition does not improve, surgical treatments should be considered.

As mentioned earlier, the myriad benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery make it a better option when surgery is the only viable treatment method.

The advantages of minimally invasive spine surgery are-

  • If the condition does not improve, surgical treatments should be considered
  • In the situation is considerably different in the case of minimally invasive surgery because there isn’t much tissue and muscle harm. As a result, the body does not have to go through the rigors of recovery. Only the disc, nerve, and vertebrae are need to be recovered.
  • The incisions are smaller compared to open surgery. Pain is lesser not only when the procedure is executed, but also during the recovery from the surgery over the next few weeks. It means that pain-related medications are not needed as much as they would be in case of open surgery. With the lesser use of pain medication, the risk of becoming dependent on them also reduces.
  • The recovery time decreases considerably with minimally invasive surgery. Open surgeries need a longer recovery time owing to the muscle and tissue damages during the surgery. The patient also requires more rehabilitation. Because the recovery is faster a patient can get back to routine quickly.
  • The risk of complications is also reduced by minimally invasive surgery, if not eliminated. The risk reduces to only two factors: a possible reaction to anesthesia and infection at the site of the incision.
  • Factors like excess blood loss, dependency on various pain relievers, and disagreeable scars from surgery, are also reduced by minimally invasive surgery.

If you are scheduled to undergo minimally invasive spine surgery, then Shalby Hospital is bound to be an excellent choice. It is one of the best hospitals in India for spine surgery and is reputed for its world-class infrastructure.

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