MIS-C: A Covid-related condition in kids that all parents should know

Experts believe that the second wave of Corona has affected children more severely as compared to the primary wave, which can be witnessed through the looming case of Covid -19 infections among kids. MIS-C is a serious but rare post Covid related condition which was firstly reported on April 2020 amidst the Covid-19 outbreak and it’s a matter of deep concern for every parent.

The symptoms of MIS-C are seen typically in post-Covid patients commonly between 2-15 years of age. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) is a rare yet dangerous condition in children which is associated with Covid-19. According to the Indian Academy of Pediatric Intensive Care “The issue needs to be taken more seriously as in India, 26% of the population is under 14 years and half of this proportion is under 5 years of age”.

MIS-C can be as worse as a life-threatening disease because anything which affects organs including the lungs, heart, kidney and brain can cause serious damage to the body. However, the good news is if it is detected earlier during the initial stage the patients can be treated well, most children who were diagnosed with this condition have recovered entirely with medical treatment.

What is MIS-C?

When an infection or injury happens to the body, the chemicals from WBC enter into the blood and the tissues in order to safeguard body from invaders. Due to which the blood flow rises around the infected area causing warmness, redness or swelling and this phenomenon is called inflammation.  MIS-C is the condition where organs like the Kidney, Brain, Heart, Lungs etc get inflamed. The exact reason for the occurrence of this condition is not yet identified but it might be due to an extreme immune response of COVID-19 infection.

What are the Symptoms of MIS-C?

Remember that symptoms vary from child to child. Here are few commonly reported symptoms:

  • Fever, contact your Pediatrician immediately if your child has 100 or more degree body temperature, lasting for more than a day along with any of the given below symptoms
  • Rashes
  • Abdominal pain
  • Neck pain
  • Weakness or tiredness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Cracked lips
  • Reddishness in Eyes
  • Swelling in hands or feet

Sings that could be a warning to an emergency of MIS-C

  • Trouble in breathing
  • Pain or feel like pressure in the chest that persists
  • Severe pain in the abdomen
  • Problem in walking or staying wake
  • Pale, grey, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone

Nothing can be more alarming to parents than a sick child. Don’t let this situation knock on your door. The best thing that can be done is to take all necessary precautions with your child to avoid corona virus exposure. Fever should be watched cautiously and if you are questionable about your Child’s health or something you feel is not right about your child, trust your instincts and call one of the best Pediatricians at Shalby Hospitals: +919824211924

Our expert, Doctor Rajen Udani says that “There is nothing to worry about as this is a rare condition and it can be defeated by following Covid-19 exposure guidelines, proper care, early detection and timely treatment”

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